Illustration: koreafloatingwind.kr
KF Wind
Offshore wind farm consisting of approx. 75 floating wind turbines distributed over 3 sub-areas 80 km offshore Ulsan, South Korea. Geo Norway assists as a geotechnical advisor in connection with the planning and execution of ground surveys, assessment of the anchor concept and assessments in connection with landfall, cable routing at sea and on land.

Illustration: semar.no
Honeymooring Semar
Anchor concept studies for floating wind turbines in the North Sea. Honeymooring is a mooring concept developed by Semar AS where several floating wind turbines are anchored with a common mooring system via a network of buoys, synthetic fiber lines and anchors.

Illustration: akerbp.com
Fenris and Valhall PWP jackets
Assist Aker Solutions with detailed geotechnical engineering for Fenris and Valhall PWP jacket constructions. Includes, among other things, assessment of ground conditions, short-term stability in the un-piled condition (bearing mud mat), pile capacity, pileability, pile fatigue, etc.
A selection of projects employees have worked on during previous employments at Multiconsult

GBS structures
- Hebron
- White Rose
- Wheatstone

- Nord Stream 2
- Turk Stream
- Martin Linge
- Trolls
- Huldra
- Ecofish
- Humber Estuary

Wind farms
- Dogger Bank
- Thornton Bank
- Cape Wind
- Icebreaker Wind
- Rødsand 2
- Hywind Scotland